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A Crazy Voyage Ch. 01


Rain battered the window pain with a steady pace, like a drummer warming up for a solo. A flash of light followed seconds later with a thunderous crackle. I folded my arms on my desk and buried my head between them. I didn't recall wanting to go to sleep more badly. I closed my eyes and listened to the storm outside.

Suddenly the door opened and Kristen walked in. "Girl, you need to get to bed, that doesn't look too comfortable," she joked. I slowly raised my head and looked at her with droopy eyes, my head spinning with facts and figures of Biology 101. "Haven't you studied enough?" Kristen continued, closing the door behind her.

"I guess you're right," I replied in a lazy tone. "I can't anymore, my head is going to explode!"

Kristen approached me with a soft smile, and kissed me gently on the forehead. "We wouldn't want that now, I don't think Jake would like you too much without a head."

Jake is a guy I had met a few weeks back at one of the keg parties off campus. We weren't actually dating, but we had been seen together enough lately to be considered a couple. I'm attracted to him, and he is great in bed, but I know he is far from Mr. Right. Actually the only person that seems to fit that distinction is my dad, but I try not to think about that.

"I don't think he'd really miss it, it's not the body part he appreciates anyway," I smirked sarcastically.

"Very funny darling", Kristen replied with a smug look of her own. "Just think, tomorrow it'll all be over with!"

"Thank God! I can't hardly wait," I said as climbed into my bed wearing my pink Care Bear pajama top and panties.

Tomorrow would be our last exam of the semester, our first term at the local university. I was much more of a bookworm than Kristen was, and I studied more intently than Kristen did. We roomed together this first semester as we had planned during the summer. I was very grateful to have Kristen as a roommate. Many of the other girls we became friends with during the past few months often complained of who they were stuck sharing a room with. Kristen would often go out to hang with some of our friends in other dorm rooms after doing her homework, and although I thought she should probably give more of an effort to her schoolwork, I was grateful for the peace and quiet to study.

Kristen and I have been best friends for the past two and a half years since I relocated to Florida with my parents. On occasion, we were a little more than best friends. We broke the ice the previous summer on a day in my backyard. After adventuring in nude sunbathing by my pool, I had joined Kristen for a quick skinny dip before my father's return from the store. Some playful splashing and bumping had caused our emotions to spill over, and before I knew it our lips were locked and we were having sex on the pool steps, a moment we both apparently had wanted for some time.

It was only later that day when after being caught fully exposed by my dad, we invited him for a playful swim as well. The following day was a day that remains fresh in both of our minds, and a day I will remember for the rest of my life. The day Kristen helped me seduce my father in the hot tub, and I let Kristen have him as well.

After that eventful day, my father had unfortunately returned to his senses, and had a long talk with me about it. I understood his explanations of why it could never happen again, and although it upset me deeply, I was happy that he never voiced any regrets, nor was he upset with either of us about it. I reluctantly told Kristen about my father's lecture in the right and wrongs of the world, and I had her swear to keep her flirtation with my father to a minimum. Kristen had always had a serious crush on my dad, and now knowing that she had actually had sex with him, it was still hard for her to believe.

I was having my own problems with reality during the rest of the summer. Being alone with my father most days as my mother was away on cruises with her job wasn't easy anymore. After that amazing evening, I couldn't help but think of it every time I saw him, and I was almost certain it was on his mind as well. We would continue to do our normal things, which included cuddling on the couch for movies and things of that nature, but my father was persistent in not letting anything else happen like that again.

As the summer months passed, I began to get used to the way it was, even if the memory remained at all times, and although I knew that I would never make love to my father again, I also knew that we had, and that thought filled me with euphoria. My dad was everything to me, and I admire him more than anyone. We had developed a special bond between us over the years, and it had only gotten stronger as we age. The magical night when we had sex would always be cherished in my mind, and I'll never regret it. I had given myself to my father, and he had accepted my gift, and that's all that mattered.

Despite the weird vibes that danced around the house, I was relieved to know that my dad wasn't putting a stop to everything that had happened that week. On sunny days when my mom was away, I didn't see a point in sunbathing in my bikini anymore, and my father let me continue to lye out nude in the backyard. I got used to being naked around my father, but it still did excite me, and that's why I liked doing it. Kristen enjoyed this tremendously as well since she was the one that had gotten me into it. I often tease Kristen of being a nudist, although I know she doesn't really practice it. Her freedom with her body was rubbing off on me.

Kristen was undressing in the other corner, and after stripping completely in the darkened room, she pulled back her sheets and slipped into her bed across the room. Kristen often slept nude, another thing that drew some friendly badgering from me. I had started sleeping nude at home on nights my mother was away, but I am still a little uneasy about it on campus. I didn't mind Kristen doing it of course. Seeing Kristen naked each night is always easy on my eyes, and it sometimes causes me to consider a little playtime before bed. Not this night however, although I admired Kristen's impeccable hot body, I had only one thing on my mind, sleep.

The following day was strenuously busy. After spending the morning packing with Kristen, my dad arrived about 11am to help me carry my stuff to the car. Some of the larger things would stay, but I still had a lot of clothes and other things to take home, and I was grateful he could help me. Kristen's parents picked up her up an hour later, and before long I was back home for the holiday season.

My mother was home for the holidays, and I did her best to stay on her good side. I quickly realized that the time away at school had benefited me in two ways. It not only had eased the weird sexual tension I had around my father, but it also helped relax the other kind of tension that existed between my mom and I. In fact, over the Christmas week, we had gotten along really well. However, it was only a few days later when my mother got a phone call, when my sour feelings towards her would begin to return.

I heard my mother saying things like, "What?" and "I understand, yes of course," on the phone. I was all too used to these phone calls, and I knew it could only mean one thing. Sure enough after hanging up the phone my mother announced that she had to leave for 4 days to cover for someone on one of the ships.

The cruise line needed my mother to cover for an ill host on one of their New Year's cruises. Although she was used to taking off on moment's notices, her status with the company gave her the right to have the holiday season off, something she was happy to have. Regardless of her seniority, my mom knew she didn't have much choice in the matter; they would not have called her unless it was absolutely necessary.

My father was always very patient with mom's traveling, much more than I thought he should be. But this time it had apparently pushed him over the edge, and he was quick to voice his displeasure about it with my mother. He immediately shouted, "I'm sick of this shit dammit!" His loud voice startled me, because my father rarely raises his voice for anything. "You're home for two weeks at most these days, I can't take this shit anymore!" he continued hollering louder than he ever gets.

"It's only 4 days Rich, you know I don't want to do this," my mom tried to reason with him, but the lack of disappointment in her face was too much for him to take. She always considered work more important than family, and with this being the holiday season; it was apparently too much for my father to accept.

"You cover all the fucking time Sharon, tell them to find someone else!" he continued, "You have a family, do they know that?" he barked. "And what am I going to tell your sister? We're not going there without you, I hope you know that!" my dad shouted some more.

We were supposed to visit my Aunt Melanie in Pompano Beach for a New Year's party in a few days. The party was never something my dad looked forward to, although I enjoyed going because Kristen came along, and we hung out with my cousins there.

"You know how much Melanie goes out of her way for us, don't do that to her!" my mom shot back.

I knew it wasn't my place to take part in this argument, regardless if most shouting matches involved my mother and I. I agreed with my dad completely, but instead of standing there and becoming involved, I decided to go up to my room, and let them fight it out. The shouting went on for about a half hour. As I listened to it through my floorboards, my disgust for my mother had resurfaced. I couldn't believe we had gotten along so smoothly over the previous week.

Eventually I grew tired of listening to the muffled sounded of shouting, so I closed my door and put on some music. My parents disagreed on many occasions, but my father being the passive gentleman that he is, never usually lets any of their small quarrels boil into a shouting match. It bothered me to see him that upset, and I still could not help but feel he deserved so much better than my mother.

A few hours later I heard a knock on my door. Still dressed, I said it was open. My dad came in looking a lot calmer, and I was surprised he actually looked happy. He sat on the bed beside me and apologized for the argument he had with my mom. I knew there was no reason for his apology, but it was like him to express it. He didn't like exposing Mike or me to parental fights, and he was happy I had chose to retreat to my room.

My father went on to explain that at his request, my mother called the cruise line despite her doubts, to see if there happened to be an opening on the ship. As luck would have it, there was a stateroom available, and the company was allowing her to bring her family along because of the inconvenience. With this my dad smiled and said, "So start packing, we're going to the Bahamas for New Years!"

"What about Aunt Melanie's?" was my immediate response.

Looking a bit surprised by the lack on an instant smile on my face, he told me my mother had called and cancelled with her sister. I was both excited and upset to hear this interesting news. I had only been to the Bahamas once when I was 14, and I thought it was beautiful. I was happy to go back, but I was looking forward to spending New Year's with Kristen, as well as my cousins, and I considered turning down the offer.

"I really wanted to see Kris for New Years Daddy," I said to him trying not to hurt his feelings. But instead of upsetting him, my dad smiled again and said I may still be able to see Kristen. He said as long as Kristen's parents were OK with it, the cruise line was allowing my mom to bring her entire family with her, and since my brother Mike was up in New York and would not be making the trip, we had a ticket available for Kristen. I was very excited about this, and if Kristen were able to go, I wouldn't mind not seeing my cousins this year. I smiled and immediately reached for the phone. A few minutes later I was explaining the whole thing to her. Her parents, who are aren't very strict, didn't see a problem with it as long as it didn't cost them anything, and before I knew it, I was packing for the Bahamas!

I spent most of the night repacking my clothes. I was getting tired of doing this; I had only unpacked from school a week earlier. Kristen had done the same thing and came by my house at 11:00 that night, so we wouldn't have to pick her up the next morning. Kristen and I shared my bed that night, and despite her complaints, I insisted she wear a nightshirt or something while my mother was in the house. After packing most of the night, we were both pretty exhausted, and fell asleep quickly.

The next morning we woke early and drove to the port. After going through the boarding process and everything, we were relieved to finally get into our cabin. It was a decent sized room with 2 twin-sized beds on the starboard side. Kristen and I were used to sharing a room together, and were excited about sharing a cruise ship cabin. My father had gone off to the purser's office with my mother to get our sail and sign cards and then to unload his things in her room.

In the morning rush neither one of us had a chance to shower and I was feeling rather grimy. I decided I might as well take one now.

"How long do we have until the muster drill?" I asked Kristen.

I hadn't cruised nearly as often as my mother, but I knew that every voyage had a mandatory emergency drill before leaving port.

"The what?" Kristen laughed, "Mustard drill?"

I laughed back knowing she didn't know what I meant. "It's an emergency drill they do before we leave, do you know what time they are doing it?" I asked, knowing she probably wouldn't know.

"Beats me girl," she said, "Oh cool, they have a casino?" She was watching a channel that described the ship's amenities.

"Yup, a casino, bars, nightclubs, everything," I said, "And best of all, you only have to be 18!"

"Awesome!" she exclaimed.

"Hey Kris, I'm not sure how long we have, but I'm going to jump in the shower, ok?" I asked her as she flicked through the various channels of the TV.

"Hey! I didn't shower yet either you know!" she shot back.

"Well, we may have time for you to jump in before the drill."

"Why don't I just jump in with ya?" she flirted with her sexy smile.

The thought aroused me immediately. We had shared a dormitory room together for a few months, and some of those nights we shared a bed, but we had never shared a shower. It intrigued me. The showers on campus were curtained in a public bathroom, I would never have considered trying it there. "Do you have any idea how small the shower is?" I laughed.

"So what? It'll be fun!" she beamed. It didn't take much more thought to take her up on the idea. We both giggled as we undressed in the room, and I stepped into the extremely small shower and turned on the water. The shower was probably only a bit larger than a phone booth, it definitely was not built for two, but I didn't care.

Kristen pulled back the curtain and stepped over the small plastic threshold and joined me. Her body was amazing, even though I'm quite happy with mine as well, her breasts were larger than mine and her perky nipples were a perfect pink. I knew there would be no space between us in the shower. The water was cold when I had initially turned it on, and my nipples hardened as I bought myself under the waterfall.

Kristen followed behind me, and I got a good look at her complete body before she got in close to me. Her pubic area was trimmed nicely into a little line above her pussy, whereas I usually keep mine shaved. I stepped back as much as I could as Kristen stepped in, but there was really no place for me to go, I felt my ass touch the plastic shower wall behind me. Her leg touched mine as she squeezed in, and as she turned our breasts rubbed together. She laughed, and I did too. It was ridiculously tight, but neither of us minded at all.

"Um, do we have any shampoo?" I asked her. With my question she cracked up hysterically. Neither one of us had unpacked any health and beauty things from our luggage yet. So I guess we couldn't really wash up (if it was possible anyway). Just then I noticed a small travel size bottle of shampoo and conditioner on a plastic shelf to my left. I tried to reach it and my hand rubbed Kristen's right breast in the process. She laughed again.

"This is crazy," she said with a smile.

"Yes, I think it is," I beamed back at her.

And just then I looked her in the eyes and she stared back at mine. She had such a beautiful face as the water flattened her brown waves of hair above her eyes. Without looking away, she carefully put her arms over my shoulders and embraced me in a kiss. Our lips parted quickly and our tongues met. Our bodies pressed together tighter under the water as we kissed deeply and passionately. I love having her tongue in my mouth, she was a much better kisser than any guy I had ever dated, and her lips were smoother than satin.

My hands found her breasts and I squeezed them eagerly. They felt like water balloons in my hands, and I let her nipples run between my fingers and I tightened a grip on them. She parted our kiss and kissed my lips again. She moved her arm from behind me to place her hand on my breast. She took it in her hand as her tongue made it's way into my mouth once again. I felt her fingers rub over my hard nipple, the feeling sent lightning bolts down my body, and I was moist for other reasons than the water flowing over me.

My hand found it's way down her slick body to her jewel, and I slowly slid a finger into her. Her hand quickly followed suit and found my soaking slit. As I felt two of her fingers penetrate me, I moaned softly in her mouth. She worked her fingers in and played with my clit. I felt myself bubbling with emotion as I worked her over as well.

Then Kristen parted our kiss once more and started on my neck, as her fingers continued to fuck me. She slowly worked her mouth down to my breast, and she held it in her right hand and she took my nipple in her mouth. As she sucked on it, the combination sent shivers to all nerve endings in my body, and I felt myself getting closer.

I slipped another finger into Kristen and increased the pace with my arm. She started to groan softly under the shower, as she licked my nipple. I quickened the pace more as she began to work on my other breast with her tongue. We both started squealing in pleasure as I felt myself building to a climax. Kristen raised her head and kissed me violently as I reached my orgasm. I groaned loud as I felt myself explode. I continued to work her at the same time. After releasing myself, I tilted my head down to take her nipple in my mouth and I bit it softly causing her to grip me from behind.

Her nails now on my back, I sucked one nipple and then the other, my fingers were working her very fast, and she screamed in her orgasm. Just then I heard a loud blaring noise, which caused me to jolt my head up in alarm. I hit my head on the bottom of the soap tray and yelled "Owww!" Kristen immediately laughed at my injury and I held my head with my free hand.

"What is that?" she said.

"Fuck, that's the drill!" I laughed as I held my throbbing head. We both scampered out of the shower and dressed as fast as possible. All the while laughing about what we had been doing.

"That was fun," Kristen smirked as she put a shirt over her head, not bothering to put on a bra. I agreed it was wonderful, and I laughed as I sat in the small corner of the room sliding on my jeans. I would gladly have remained in the shower with Kristen, but I knew we couldn't miss the drill; they made sure everyone was accounted for.

A few minutes later we were at our muster station where I was surprised to see my father with his life vest on. Our hair was dripping wet, and with little time to dry our bodies, it was probably obvious neither of us had bras on under our shirts. We giggled as we lined up against the wall next to my dad.

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